Challenge Island - Animal Island© - 10-wk Virtual Enrichment Class (Apr 8 - Jun 10, 3:00 - 4:00 PM Pacific Time)

Calling all creature-loving kids to Challenge Island’s® Animal Island adventure! You and a tribeful of friends will engineer your way through the Animal Kingdom exploring life in diverse habitats - from oceans to rainforests to deserts to ice to the pets that live in our homes. A wildly exciting time awaits every boy and girl on Challenge Island's® Animal Island! 

Note to Parents: When we receive your confirmed registration, we will pack the materials that your student will be using for their weekly challenges. You may add to their engineering fodder other common household items and recyclables that you can find around the house. Please note, the following general supplies are not included in the package: scissors, glue, markers/crayons and tape. If you live in the San Diego area, we’ll coordinate with you a date for your materials pick up.  If you prefer the materials to be delivered to your address, shipping charges will apply, which will be emailed to you with an instruction on how to pay for it.

Note to Parents Outside of San Diego: If you registered 2 weeks or more before the start of the session, we can ship the materials to you. Shipping charges will be emailed to you with instructions on how to pay for it.  If you registered less than 2 weeks before the start of the session, you will receive a List of Materials to purchase instead. If you've paid the materials fee, it will be refunded to you.



      All CI classes are led by a certified Challenge Island teacher through a live zoom call.


Proprietary materials.  In registering for this online class you acknowledge that all curriculum, lesson plans, know-how, trade secrets, methodologies, techniques, procedures, and materials, in whatever form, shall remain the sole property of Challenge Island Global LLC. Duplication of Challenge Island materials in any form is not allowed under any circumstances. 

Animal Island© - 10-wk Virtual Enrichment Class (Apr 8 - Jun 10, 3:00 - 4:00 PM Pacific Time)

Challenge Island San Diego Central/North - Virtual

San Diego, California 92128

Grade:  1 - 5

Time :


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