Challenge Island - Virtual FAMILY WORKSHOP for DA / BR / JR Automotive Engineering Triple Badge Workshop - August 7

COME CELEBRATE SUMMER with us for this Family Workshop for the Daisy / Brownie / Junior Automotive Engineering Triple Badge Workshop, girls have the opportunity to earn all three badges; Automotive Design Badge, Automotive Engineering Badge, & Automotive Manufacturing Badge.  

Challenge Island® partners with Girl Scout councils nationwide, and we offer interactive, hands-on STEAM Girl Scout virtual workshops for girls of all ages - Daisy through Ambassador.  These session are hands-on, lead live by Challenge Island instructor and the other kids on the call. So come join us on our interactive online classes and connect with your troop members and new Girl Scout friends. We have put together a special workshop just for you!   

You with your Girl Scout(s) will use the Engineering Design Process to complete the badge requirements for these three badges by learning about the design process, engineering process, and manufacturing process in the automotive industry.  We will learn about the automotive industry history, mobility, the parts of a car, design features and safety features.   We will sketch & sculpt a design of a vehicle for a specific purpose incorporating your design features and your design criteria list.  We will then engineer and build the vehicle prototype as well as work with members of the family to create & implement an assembly line for multiple builds.   

IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS workshop must have two (2) or more people per family participating order for a girl to earn the Automotive Manufacturing Badge because it includes an assembly line build with multiple people needed.  If a girl attends alone, she will only earn the Automotive Design Badge and Automotive Engineering Badges.   

Girls are encouraged to wear their sash/vest. 

Cost includes: 3-hour workshop multiple STEAM build challenges, materials list scavenger hunt, additional printouts, and a Certificate of Completion & exclusive Challenge Island patch mailed directly to the Girl Scout. This does not include the badge.   


You only REGISTER ONCE PER HOUSEHOLD regardless of the number of siblings in the family.  During or after the workshop, we will contact you for the names of additional GS siblings in the family to be able to provide a Certificate of Completion and Challenge Island patch for each one.  Sibling brothers are welcome to join us as well and if they are a Cub Scout, we will send them a CI patch too.

OTHER OPTIONS: If these dates/times don't work your schedule(s)  please contact us for setting up an exclusive session for  your GS troop, Girl Scouts in your group.  

Proprietary materials  In registering for this online class you acknowledge that all curriculum, lesson plans, know-how, trade secrets, methodologies, techniques, procedures, and materials, in whatever form, shall remain the sole property of Challenge Island Global LLC. Duplication of Challenge Island materials in any form is not allowed under any circumstances.

Virtual FAMILY WORKSHOP for DA / BR / JR Automotive Engineering Triple Badge Workshop - August 7

CIG Virtual

San Diego, California 92126

Grade:  K - 5

Time :


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