"Once upon a time, there was a page-turning island that transformed beloved books into action-packed STEAM adventures. During this literary adventure, our STEAM Teams tackle engineering challenges inspired by their favorite novels: From pop culture page-turners (like STEAMwarts Academy) to classic reads (like Alice in Wonderland) to our very own Challenge Island book series, this island is always a bestseller."
* Children must be currently enrolled students of Nuuanu Elementary School, in Grades K - 2 (SY 2024 - 2025). Location: Art Room, next to the Cafeteria.
* Class # 2 (3:30 - 4:15 pm) is offered for children who have afterschool childcare, before class starts.
Enrollment Fee: $150.00 per quarter (Register & pay online) PayPal website used at checkout.
* 10 seats available per class (min. 2 students required).
* We are unable to refund any missed lessons.
(Optional) Challenge Island t-shirts may be purchased. A seperate PayPal invoice ($10) will be emailed.