Challenge Island - CI Road Trip USA© - Clarkstown Parks Board and Recreation Commission

Pack your suitcases for a cross-country themed STEAM adventure! You and your tribe will imagin-eer your way from sea to shining sea: from the Statue of Liberty to Yosemite; from the Colorado Rockies to the Hawaiian Volcanoes; from the Great Lakes to the Golden Gate Bridge; from the theme parks of Orlando to the red carpets of Hollywood. This imagination-fueled engineering-filled excursion across the USA promises to have campers smiling from coast to coast!

Open to Clarkstown residents only.

Registration is underway at the Administration Building, 31 Zukor Road, New City. Register through your CommunityPass Account at If you have not set up an account please do so at the above web address. Once your household is created, please come into the Recreation and Parks Office to prove your residency. If you own your home, please bring in your Driver’s License. If you are a renter, you MUST provide 3 forms of residency. A copy of Birth Certificate is required for anyone under the age of 18.

CI Road Trip USA© - Clarkstown Parks Board and Recreation Commission

Street Community Center

31 Zukor Road
New City, New York 10983

Grade:  K - 6

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